By Wellness Author
Find which baby food product is best suitable as per your baby’s daily nutritional requirement. Read on.
We all are aware that newborn babies only consume mother’s breast milk or formula milk that is prepared as per the doctor’s prescription. But after a few months, they start consuming solid foods. And as a responsible parent, one must know the basics when deciding what food is best for your baby.
Before deciding the best food for your baby, it is important to know that just like adults, babies are also supposed to eat tasty, balanced, nutritious, and healthy food to be healthy. It is important to remember the baby foods that we buy from the market are not a replacement for the regular, daily, home-cooked meals that babies consume. The market-bought food should only be used when you want to supplement your baby’s nutrition or when you want to try something new in their diet.
After a lot of thought, understanding, and research, at Wellness Forever, we have come up with a few tips and the best food products that you can choose for your baby and for their health and wellness.
It is best not to get confused and stick to basic rules. Understand your baby's age and requirements, then check the ingredients and packages according to their needs.
a) There are “ready to eat” and “need to be cooked” options available in the market. Choose the one that is convenient and best suitable for your baby.
b) Are you looking for a snack? Or a proper baby meal? Understand the requirement to fulfill the daily nutrition value.
c) Read the content, especially IRON content in baby food, since iron is an important source of nutrition that your baby will need in terms of brain and body development.
d) Choose the product which has real veggies in it.
e) Read the labels and nutrition content on the box.
This amazing baby food comes with the goodness of 18 important nutrients and great iron content along with minerals, vitamins, calcium, carbohydrates, good fats, and much more to support your baby’s growth and development. It also has Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E with a yummy taste.
Buy Now - Easifud Baby Cereal Powder, 400g
This multi cereal mixed fruit is healthy and nutritious for a growing infant. It comes along with approximately 21 essential vitamins, nutrients, proteins, energy, iron, and many other benefits. It also has Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids that support and promote brain development.
Buy Now - Nutricia Farex Baby Food Multi Cereal Mixed Fruits, 300g
This is a 1st stage Cerelac for your baby, which means that this is the very first outside meal that you will start feeding your baby with. This tasty apple-flavored cereal comes with 19 vital nutrients, minerals, and vitamins for your baby, along with higher iron.
Buy Now - Nestle Cerelac Stage 1 Baby Cereal, Wheat Apple, 300g
The stage 2 cereal for your baby is best suitable for infants between 8 months to 24 months. It comes with 18 unique nutrients, minerals, vitamins, along with a great sweet and yummy taste of honey and dates. It has a great amount of iron content that will fulfill your child’s requirements, and it will also help in the growth of your baby’s physical and mental development.
Buy Now - Nestle Cerelac Stage 2 Baby Cereal, Wheat Honey Dates, 300g
This unique baby food comes with 18 vital nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and high quantity iron to fulfill your baby’s requirement. It is best suitable for babies above 6 months and is filled with all goodness of fruits.
Buy Now - Nestle Nestom Stage 3 Baby Cereal Refill Pack, Rice Fruits, 300g
It is loaded with the goodness of 16 vital nutrients, minerals, and vitamins to boost the physical and mental development of your baby. This cereal contains a great amount of iron to fulfill the nutritional needs of your baby. This is a stage 4 cereal, which means it is best suitable for babies above 12 months.
Buy Now - Nestle Stage 4 Cerelac Refill Pack, Multi Grain & 5 Fruits, 300g
Get the finest quality of cereal with rice and pulses as a wholesome meal for your baby. This product is nutritionally balanced and planned for the better health of the baby. It is easy to swallow for them and made to aid their food digestion with no hassle.
Buy Now - Easum Baby Cereal Powder, Rice & Moong Dal, 400g
Yet again, this Stage 1 cereal is best suitable for babies of 6 to 12 months, and it has a high amount of nutrients such as zinc, selenium, vitamins, iron, and much more. It is easily swallowable for your baby, and its rich flavor is yummy to taste. Buy Now - Nestle Nestum Rice Stage 1 Baby Cereal Refill Pack, 300g
This baby food product comes in the yummy taste of veg Khichdi and the goodness of iron, zinc, minerals, vitamins, and many other 18 vital nutrients. This product is a stage 2 and is best suitable for babies above 8 months, and it will improve the immune system, mental and physical development of your baby.
Buy Now - Nestle Nestum Rice Stage 1 Baby Cereal Refill Pack, 300g
This amazing product will fulfill approximately 83% of your baby’s daily iron requirement in just 2 daily servings. It is a stage 5 cerelac, which means it is best suitable for babies between 18 to 24 months. It has 19 important minerals, nutrients, vitamins and has a great taste in fruit and grains. Buy Now - Nestle Cerelac Stage 5 Baby Cereal, 5 Grains & Fruits, 300g
At Wellness Forever, we understand your needs and know that you wish only the best for your baby. Browse through the wide range of baby food products available on our website and choose according to your needs.
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