By Abhilasha Joshi
No one complains when they get to enjoy the abundant, lush hair during pregnancy. Unfortunately, we forget it wasn’t always like this. It was only the raised levels of the hormone oestrogen that prevented it falling out through those nine months and it was bound to go someday. Well, that someday is now. So don’t stress. The acne thing (not everyone faces this) is your hormones readjusting. Just some zit-zappers and you’re good to go!
You have just welcomed a tiny, squealing, squalling baby home and life has turned on its head. Amidst caring for the little wonder and a crazy schedule that does not include enough sleep for the new mom, you’re not likely to find any time for yourself. The endless diapers, watch hours, and feeding times have taken a toll on you and you are struggling to fit it all in a schedule.
In the middle of all this, you notice clumps of hair washing down the drain when you take a shower. Worse, you are looking tired and starting to break out all over your face. With no time to manage all this, you simply stress more.
Now, no one complains when they get to enjoy the abundant, lush hair during pregnancy. Unfortunately, we forget it wasn’t always like this. It was only the raised levels of the hormone oestrogen that prevented it from falling out through those nine months and it was bound to go someday. Well, that someday is now. So don’t stress. The acne thing (not everyone faces this) is your hormones readjusting. Just some zit-zappers and you’re good to go!
All this, typically, settles down around the time the baby turns a year old. If it persists, consult a doctor as it could mean thyroid problems or nutritional deficiencies. The worst thing we do when caring for the new-born is skipping our own care and ignore the supplements the doctor prescribed (remember the tablets of Iron, Calcium, Magnesium lying on your nightstand?). A big reason for continued hair fall is also anaemia, which wouldn’t have happened if you had taken the supplements. Also, if that is not sufficiently motivating, many people gain tremendous weight due to anaemia, a few months after the baby is born. The lesson, take your supplements and eat healthily. After all, the baby is getting nutrition from you too. Now that this is a known phenomenon, I wonder why everyone doesn’t stock up on multi-functional beauty care during pregnancy itself. When we research for the new arrival during pregnancy, we should also be researching for ourselves. Helps a lot in stocking up for the first few months when even stepping out is a luxury.
During any hormonal fluctuations, skin problems are also high. Also, many women develop skin discoloration – usually darker brown patches on the areas of the body like the face, neck, and abdomen. This is called Melasma. This is due to an increased melanin production due to an imbalance of Progesterone and Oestrogen hormones. You probably know someone who got melasma after pregnancy, it’s that common. While the role of hormones is still being researched for hyperpigmentation like melasma, there are certain genetic conditions as well that predetermine the likelihood of getting it. If it does not automatically fade after around a year, treatments with Retinoic acid can be used. However, retinoic acid/retinol/retinaldehyde or any other derivative of vitamin A (commonly found in anti-ageing creams) should be avoided while breastfeeding. Go in for some multi-functional skincare products as any skin regime is difficult to keep up. Something like a suitable BB/CC cream that includes moisturizer, preferably Peptides, and sun protection would be a big help. Peptides provide anti-ageing benefits to the skin, helping plump it up to hide wrinkles, rebuilding the collagen of your skin. They also help with clearing acne. Avoid any anti-ageing products that contain Retinol/
Vitamin A derivatives while breast-feeding
To wrap it up, the trick is to enjoy the baby and ignore everything else but your nutrition.
Happy Mothering!!